Monday, February 27, 2012

This is my finished story, the writing process on this was pretty quick since I had the idea in my head for awhile. I hope you all enjoy this story and I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions!

Medical Translations
Mary O'Donnell
Vincent had been a Doctor for a solid five years. Enough time to get experience in dealing with the pit falls of the job. He had told more than his fair share of family members that their loved ones were beyond saving, and that he had failed. But Vincent had never truly understood how devastating the words 'I'm sorry, we've done everything we can,' could be. Not until the specialist in charge of Alex's case put his hand on Vincent's shoulder, and spoke in that low sorrowful tone that made the world turn into shadows and dreams of a desperate man. At the age of six how could his son be so sick? How could cancer be eating away at his little boy's body who had his mother's soft trusting brown eyes?
“We can make him comfortable, it's all about pain management at this point.” Jerry said, his gray eyes looked down in sadness and shame.
“We're Doctors! It's our job to do something! Don't tell me there's nothing you can do!” Vincent said as tears filled his dark eyes and his thin hands pushed Jerry, an older shorter man with graying hair, out of his way. As he walked away he couldn't think as the shadow filled his mind. It had to be a mistake, this couldn't be happening in his reality.
“Vincent...I'm sorry! I really am!” Jerry called after him but Vincent was already heading out of the hospital doors. Vincent walked out of the building and then leaned against the side of the outside far wall; it was cold and the red brick bit in to his slender back. He could feel that he was breathing too quickly but he couldn't bring himself to care enough to stop. How was he supposed to tell his wife that their son was going to die and there was not a damned thing he could do to stop it? He couldn't accept that!
Vincent got up off the wall and went back inside with a quick gate. He walked the long hallways and then traveled the steps to level three where the lab he was looking for was located. He put a hand on the cold door and pushed it open. Vincent entered the large dark room and closed the door behind him.
“Nik I know you're here, I have to talk to you!”Vincent said with confidence, the lab smelled sterile but not even the alcohol could hide the hint of rotting. There was a large metal table in the middle of the room where Nik played with his dead friends.
“I thought you didn't want to talk to the nutter?”Nik answered with a thick London accent and a deep tone that resonated from the shadowed area of the lab. He slowly pulled off blood soaked gloves as he came further into the light. Nik was an older man, tall and looked as if at one time he had been a powerful physical force. But now his hair was silver and his back was hunched making him look shorter than he really was.
“Look don't pretend you don't know why I'm here. You always know.” Vincent said his tone impatient and direct. Nik smiled as he turned to face Vincent; his apron bloody as well but he made no attempt to remove it.
“Your son. Well I don't have the 'abilities' I used to. I can't help you.” Nik said and then turned away with an unreadable look on his wrinkled face.
“My son is going to die and you are going to help me stop it from happening! You owe me!” Vincent sad his voice raising in fear of losing his last hope. Nik stopped and then chuckled softly. Vincent's eyes narrowed and was just about to lunge at the other man no matter his age. However, Nik turned around and began to speak.
“Yes, I guess I do owe you for still being allowed to work in the dismal place. I was telling the truth. I can't save your boy, but I can give you the chance to try.” Nik said with a skeptical look on his face, Vincent knew he hated this man for a reason. But what choice did he have?
“There's a small storage area in the basement. Look around and try your luck.” Nik said and then walked away without another word. Vincent wasn't sure what the hell kind of help he was just given but he was too desperate to ignore it. Vincent knew that it was too late to go digging around there right now, and he needed to go and spend time with his son.
As Vincent walked back to the pediatric center he thought about Alex. Elizabeth was right, he hadn't spent enough time with his son. But the time he did spend with him was fresh in his mind. Vincent remembered the week long vacation that they took to Disney world and the beach in Florida. It was supposed to help save his marriage but it hadn't helped much. However it had taken away Vincent's excuses to not spend time with Alex. They had spent all day at the resort and were now just hanging out at the hotel watching television. Alex looked tired but he was sitting there playing with a Peter Pan puzzle that they had bought him.
“We're going to go down the spa. Tara will stay with you okay?” Vincent said as they worked on the puzzle. The puzzle was nearly completed, there were only a few left.
“Okay, I'll wait for you Daddy.” Alex said Vincent smiled as he hugged and gave his son another kiss. In the present, as Vincent could see his son's hospital room number he wished they had stayed and finished that puzzle.
Alex was laying in his bed and he looked so pale, but as Vincent walked over to the bedside he smiled. Vincent petted the boy's soft brown hair that was thinning from the treatments; and even though it was hard he smiled back.
“Hey buddy, how are you feeling?” Vincent asked as he sat down on the hospital bed that seemed to swallow his little boy up into it.
“I'm tired, and the T.V. hurts my eyes.” Alex said in a small fragile voice that breaks Vincent's heart. He wished he could take the pain and weakness from Alex so that he could be a healthy little boy playing with his friends and not wanting to do his homework.
“How about I read to you for a little while? Would you like that?” Vincent asked and Alex nodded his head, not having the energy to speak. Vincent out the book they had been reading together chapter by chapter and opened it to the book marked page. Time seemed to slow down when he read to Alex. A moment set aside and stretched just for them. Alex was asleep before the chapter was finished but it had been a long day of treatments for him and the doctor said rest was best. Vincent looked over and saw Elizabeth standing in the door way, watching him. Her deep blue eyes sad but a soft smile on her face.
Vincent slowly got up trying to be careful to not wake his sleeping son He walked to the door way, his hands in his pockets. Elizabeth didn't quite look at her husband, but at the wall behind him.
“That was sweet. It's a shame that you never did that before he got sick.” Elizabeth said in a hushed tone that wasn't accusing. She actually looked as if she really was sorry about that fact. Vincent looked at her with hard guilt stricken eyes.
“I'm a doctor. I had to work and you know how the hours are.” Vincent defended himself; it was an old argument. An argument that had them separated for nearly a year. It was Elizabeth's idea; it wasn't what Vincent wanted. Elizabeth insisted she needed a break to put things into perspective but then Alex had fallen ill. Now, Vincent wasn't sure where he stood with her these days, and lacked the energy to find out.
“Yes, I do know, I'm a doctor too remember? I'm just saying that it's a shame to have missed out on all that time with him. I feel sorry for you.” Elizabeth said and then sighed as she crossed her arms and looked at Vincent again. Vincent's face grew red with anger. He hadn't come here to argue with his wife again. But he couldn't stand how she judged him all the time without ever looking at his side of the story. What right to did she have to call him a bad father when she wasn't exactly mother of the year. Elizabeth had spent many nights writing her novel while letting the babysitter tuck Alex into bed all because of a deadline. He was about to tell her as much when she spoke up first.
“Look let's not have this conversation again; not now. You said over the phone you had something to tell me?” Elizabeth said as she went back to not looking at him but at the wall. Vincent wished she would just look at him these days. Maybe then he would feel like he wasn't alone in wanting things to go back to to the way they were.
“I went to Nik earlier today. He told me something down in the basement would help Alex.” Vincent told her as hope began to burn in his ice blue eyes. Elizabeth took a step back from Vincent, her eyes bright and enlarged with fear.
“That man isn't right in the head. You know what they've said about him. What possessed you to go to him about Alex?”
“Because despite the rumors he had saved a lot of lives and I was desperate. Will you help me look?” Vincent asked and immediately Elizabeth shook her head.
“No, I don't want anything to do with Nik or his crazy ideas.” Elizabeth answered seriously with a tremble of fear in her voice.
“Not even if it could help save Alex?” Vincent pleaded as he moved towards his wife and placed one hand on her shoulder. Elizabeth didn't speak but only shook her head and walked away. Vincent watched her leave with hurt and disappointment. She would see how wrong she had been when he found something that would save Alex. Elizabeth would regret not trusting him. He would go to the basement tomorrow early in the morning alone then. Vincent would search until he found whatever it was that Nik had hinted would save their son.
In the dark basement of Shands Hospital, the light flickered as the small creaky door opened. Dust flew everywhere as if the room had been vacant for a long time. Vincent walked in, his thin hand moving the heavy door forward so he could fit his body through. Vincent slipped through the cracked opening of the door and brushed the dust off his black suit jacket. He wondered why it looked as if no one came down here? Granted this was not the only room in the basement but Vincent thought that it was strange to have a room so unused and dirty in a hospital. A damp moldy smell hit his small sharp nose as he moved forward getting out a flashlight.
'It has to be here! Nik said it was here. This our last chance!' Vincent thought panicked slightly by the vastness of junk that was kept in the room. Searching this place could could take days, maybe even weeks to sort through it all and find what he had come here for. Nik hadn't said that it would be easy to find. Nik wasn't exactly helpful as far as telling Vincent where to look either. His thin wiry frame moved easily between the crowd of cardboard and wooden boxes, and dust covering his pants enough to make them look as colored. His auburn hair laid about his shoulders annoyed him since the doctor was used to having it tied back, but he had been in too much of a hurry to bother with that day. With so much on his mind his hair was the last thing he was thinking about. Vincent was now getting desperate and flung boxes around manically muttering curses under his breath. Whatever Nik wanted him to find had to be around here somewhere, he had to find it!
There was a noise like a box shifting and then sliding on the floor. Startled, Vincent turned and pointed is flashlight in the direction of the noise. On the floor in a now open and disheveled box on the ground was a book bound in brown leather. There were no markings on the cover since whoever wrote this didn't want their name attached to it. At least that what Vincent could guess as he went over and picked up the now dust covered ancient looking book. A small smile crept on to his thin face and he tucked the book under his arm as he walked out of the small basement room.
Now that he was back out into the light Vincent pulled out his cell phone and pressed the button for speed dial. Once Elizabeth answered he didn't let her speak at all.
“Elizabeth, I found it! But you're going to have to help me, You're better at reading Latin than I am.” Vincent said and then hung up the phone without letting his wife respond in any way. Just one spell and everything would be better. He would be able to save his son from the cancer that was eating his body and make his wife happy again!
Elizabeth had spent days translating the pages of the book. Vincent appreciated it even if he didn't understand why she agreed to do it. Maybe it was so that he would see that it was useless and then stop wasting her time talking about it. Perhaps it was pity since she would see the desperation in his eyes. Whatever made her help he wasn't about to question it. Vincent sat at their large oak table and looked over her notes. Just as he suspected; the book held an ancient healing ritual. The same ritual that Nik must have used to save all those people and made his reputation what it was.
“This is it, we can save him.” Vincent said as his eyes glistened with moisture under the harsh lighting from the lamps.
“It's archaic and barbaric, you don't really think this is the answer?” Elizabeth said, always the more logical one. Always the one that had to play by the rules. Vincent wasn't playing by any ones rules anymore. Not even God's.
“I'm going to try. What do we have to lose?” Vincent said and then left with the book and Elizabeth's notes. He was sure that Elizabeth wouldn't help him. At least she had translated the ritual for him; that was all the help he really needed. Now it was his turn to prove himself as a man, and a father.
A few hours later Vincent walked into his son's room. He pulled down the blinds even though it was dark outside now. The rain clouds made the evening somber and gray as the water passed over the window like a blind of all its own. Nature was a funny thing to Vincent and he had the strange thought that perhaps the rain was trying to help. It would also be hinder-some to have people looking in and getting the wrong idea. Once the ritual was started it had to be completed or dire things could happen. At least according the translation.
Out of the plastic bag that Vincent carried with him he took out a dagger, some clear chunks of crystal and fresh herbs. He set the crystals at the four corners of Alex's bed quietly, the boy was asleep as he usually was these days. It was a blessing really, at least while he slept he seemed at peace. The herbs went into a bowl and he crushed them into a paste. The smell was sweet and overpowering. Vincent muffled a pained moan as he used the dagger to make a long and deep incision on his left hand. He let the blood slide into the bowl with the herbs, completing the concoction. It was nearly time, the ritual had to be done right at dusk or this wouldn't work. With shaking hands Vincent spread the bloody paste on to Alex's mouth and forehead. He chanted the Latin words which in English translated as, 'I take his burdens and I take his pain'. The crystals started to hum a light high sound and created a light around the bed. Alex's body glowed as well and Vincent didn't know how he knew, but his son was being healed.
Who is to take his place? Make your choice the sun is nearly gone.
Vincent was startled to hear the light and airy voice resonate from the crystals. But he knew the answer as long as it meant he accomplished what he had set out to do.
“I will.”
No, there is no sacrifice in that. Someone else.
Horror filled him as Vincent realized what he had done. The sacrifice had to be someone he didn't want to lose either. Elizabeth, he knew she would give her life so their son would live but how could he make that choice? He still loved her despite the problems in their marriage.
Your heart is weak.
“Wait!” But it was too late, the crystals stopped singing and all was quiet again in the room. The sun had already set and the ritual had failed. Vincent had failed and now his son was going to die.
Later than night Elizabeth found Vincent sobbing by their son's bed. The crystals and the blood still where he had left them. She looked a little repulsed, but she walked inside anyway. Elizabeth walked over and brought her strong arms around him and pulled him close. He could see the sadness in her eyes for their failure. But Vincent felt that it was worse for him who had actually truly believed that he had found a way to save their son.
“We have to keep looking; it can't be the only ritual in the book.” Vincent said between sobs and Elizabeth nodded if only to help calm the man. Elizabeth helped Vincent get up off the floor, and placed him on the cot that was provided for them by the hospital. She wrapped his hand with the large gash. She was relieved that it wasn't bleeding any more and hope that it wouldn't get infected. Elizabeth then covered her husband with a blanket and then cleaned up the mess left from the ritual. She spent the rest of the sleepless hours sitting there petting his long hair.
Weeks passed and they both poured over the book, but no other ritual appeared. No matter how they begged and searched with bleeding and open hearts.
“You should have told them my name, do the ritual again.” Elizabeth pleaded after Vincent had told her exactly why it had failed.
“I can't do that! There has to be another way!” Vincent said as he threw the book across the room and let it hit the floor. Elizabeth looked angry and stood up and grabbed the book. Vincent stood up in shock. He had only been trying to protect her!
“This ends now. I have the book and unless you want to do the ritual again, and have them take my life for Alex's we're done here.” She told him in tears opening the door and gesturing for Vincent to leave. Alex was so weak that the doctor's only gave him days to live and she was throwing him out?
“You don't understand, I can't take this anymore. I'll meet you at the hospital.” Elizabeth said with her arms crossed and not looking at Vincent once again. Vincent grabbed his black coat and stormed out without a word. Anything he had to say right now would only make things worse. He would go to the hospital alright but there was someone else he had to see first. He would get some answers from Nik!
The drive to the hospital was almost automatic now, and Vincent drove the route through the city without thought. When he walked through the heavy doors again the path became less clear. Vincent had to think about which hallway he had to take to get to the right lab. When he finally walked back into Nik's sterile lab he wasn't sure if there was anyone there or not. It was always way too quiet.
“Nik are you here? I have to talk to you about the book!” Vincent said without shame or caring; not when his son's life hung in the balance.
“What Nik are you talking about? The only Nik that worked in here been gone for fifty years. He died right here of heart attack. Some say it was the stress of being on review for malpractice that done him in.” Said old Max coming out of the back room with a box in his hands.
“That's impossible! I've spoken with him! I even helped him be able to stay on here by signing a document that said I would take responsibility for him!” Vincent said and old max just shook his head and walked away muttering something about crazies working there these days. Vincent left feeling more confused than ever and mad. Now who was he going to turn to for help?
Alex's condition deteriorated rapidly over the next few days. Vincent's didn't have any answers and he refused to do what Elizabeth wanted and sacrifice her. He sat by Alex's bedside he looked over the book one last time and hoping for a miracle. But Alex slipped into a coma that night and died before morning. Vincent didn't remember the days that followed and barely the funeral. Elizabeth didn't say much to him other than what was necessary. Both in too much pain he guess to be able to really comfort the other. Vincent didn't bother to ask for the book back he didn't need it anymore.
A year passed slowly and yet it seemed to suddenly be over. Vincent was dressed in his best suit and tie as he looked at his even thinner features. He looked like hell. His hollow eyes gave him a look of a starving man. Today for the first time in months he had a purpose. Vincent had to talk to Elizabeth and get his book back. She had agreed over the phone to meet him in the basement where they could talk in private. Vincent was nervous as he drove to the hospital. He hadn't been there in a year and it held so many good and bad memories. The thought of the mystery of Nik also gave Vincent the shivers since he never saw or heard from the man again. When he pulled up into the parking garage he had to give himself a moment to take a deep breath before getting out. The walk to the main doors helped since he could get some fresh air. The hospital hadn't changed much since he left he realized as he walked in. Vincent wasn't sure why he had expected it to as he made his way down to the basement.
Vincent walked down the stairs and opened the small metal door that led to the basement of the Hospital. He didn't work here anymore but he knew the way so well that he might as well have found his way blind folded. The smell would be a help too, Vincent figured, it was still as musty and smelled of mold as the last time he came down here. Vincent's sharp dark eyes adjusted to the dim light and he could see a bit ahead in the distance now. Elizabeth was standing there in the same place he had a year ago. The scene was so familiar that Vincent felt like laughing at how everything had come full circle.
“I had that dream again.” Vincent said as he walked up, not wanting to startle his ex-wife down here in the dark.
“Remember what happened the last time? Let's not even talk about this now okay?” Elizabeth said as her short red hair rested against her shoulders and dust covered her new looking dark blue skirt suit.
“Come on, what good is it keeping everything inside all the time?” Vincent asked as he stood by the old metal shelves and by Elizabeth's side. It had been months since they had been this close together, or even seen each other for that matter. He pulled on his long thick auburn braid of hair. A nervous habit that had gotten him teased as a sissy in school when he was a child. His mother never let him cut his hair ,and said he should flaunt what others didn't have and be proud.
“There are some things we just weren't meant to have power over. Let it go.” Elizabeth replied with a little bite in her tone. Vincent wasn't sure why she was angry with him. He wasn't asking her for much; not when they knew what they could gain in return!
“One mistake and now you don't trust my word?” Vincent asked, his voice hard in only a way a hurt man could manage. Elizabeth turned and looked at him, and then sighed; something loosening in her as she looked at his hurt expression.
“I know you believe that you're doing the right thing.” Elizabeth said and Vincent swallowed and looked away. He knew there was a chance that she was right. And the pity in Elizabeth's deep brown eyes was too much to bear.
“I'm going to do what I came here to do a year ago.” Vincent answered and then walked forward but Elizabeth quickly blocked his way with her athletically built body.
“Do you even know what that is anymore? For Christ's sakes; think about others instead of yourself for once.” Elizabeth snapped, her lips curled at him. Vincent knew that when she got that look that she thought he was being arrogant and childish. They had that argument many times over the years and Vincent wasn't going to let that stop him.
“You mean think of you.” Vincent retorted with a self -satisfied smirk for being able to call her out on what Elizabeth was really trying to say.
“Maybe, I don't know what I mean.” Elizabeth fumbled and lost her footing on the argument once Vincent had spoken. He could see it in her eyes that she knew he was right.
“Yes you do, you're just not listening.” Vincent said and now he sighed and rubbed his forehead with his long slender fingers. His stomach hurt from stress and hunger. Now that he thought about it, Vincent couldn't remember when the last time he ate a decent meal. His work had taken over everything and he just sort of stopped noticing things like hunger.
“What am I supposed to be listening for? A great revelation or some life altering idea? We had a shot but that was a long time ago.” Elizabeth replied in a tried tone now turning back away from her ex-husband to look at nothing in particular.
“Not that long ago, you can't tell me that you haven't thought about it?” Vincent asked in a pleading tone, he just wanted her on his side, to be his partner again.
“ No, what for? It was all just bull shit anyway.” Elizabeth said as she moved farther away and pretended to be investigating a nearby box. Vincent tried not to let the sting of her words show. Hadn't he always tried? How had Elizabeth's opinion of him stooped so low?
“Now you're lying to me as well as yourself. Talented.” He said in a harsh tone and regretted it as soon as the words left his lips. Elizabeth wasn't going to be won over by those hurtful kind of outbursts.
“Shut up and leave me alone. I've moved on and you'll just have to live with that.” Elizabeth said returning the harsh tone and now staring at Vincent with anger in her eyes. Vincent took a breath and forced his temper under control. Elizabeth always had a way of getting under his skin. It was one of the reasons he married her.
“Why do you still have it then?” Vincent asked and walked close to Elizabeth, his expression set with determination.
“I don't have to explain anything to you, you think you're better than me for being stuck in the past well let me tell you the truth,you're just pathetic.” Elizabeth spat back as she tired to back away and nearly fell over a box, but Vincent caught her hand before she could tumble to the floor.
“I'd rather be pathetic than a coward! You still have it which means you have to hold on the idea of me using it again.” Vincent said in anger as Elizabeth pulled her hand back from Vincent's.
“I just-” Elizabeth stammered again, Vincent thought she looked pale and drained from all the emotional trauma of the past few months. He hadn't meant to hurt Elizabeth more than she already had been.
“You just what?” Vincent asked, his tone softer as Elizabeth's tough demeanor whittled away.
“Never mind you wouldn't understand.” Elizabeth whispered and wrapped her long thin arms around her chest protectively. Vincent had only seen her do that when her father used to yell at her, before they had married and gotten far away from her family.
“Make me understand, why do you think I'm here?” Vincent pleaded reaching out and taking Elizabeth's hand in his again. Elizabeth looked up, but didn't move to take her hand back this time.
“I'm not like you, I'm a practical and logical person. That's why I became a doctor for God's sake!” Elizabeth said, moving away again once she realized they were getting too close. Vincent groaned this was so typical of her, she never learned how to trust someone!
“Too logical sometimes. I know part of you wants me to try.” Vincent said as he tried his best not to let her make him angry.
“But it isn't my way. It's not natural.” Elizabeth tried to explain but it only hurt Vincent more. She never really understood at all had she? All that he had done, was for her!
“How can I make you stop being so afraid and open your eyes to the potential?” Vincent asked as he turned in impatience and took a few steps toward his ex-wife finally closing some of the distance between them. Elizabeth sagged against a near by wall and just leaned against it; too exhausted to keep this up.
“Can't we just let it go?” Elizabeth said as she looked up at he ceiling so she couldn't see into Vincent's deep and expressive brown eyes.
“No, I'm not giving up, someday you're going to admit I was right. There will be a time when you will need me.” Vincent asserted with stubbornness, stung by Elizabeth's unwillingness to give him a second chance. Hadn't they loved each other and had a child together? Elizabeth couldn't want to throw that away.
“You always talk like you know the future, but no one does. You of all people should know that the future isn't predetermined.” Elizabeth said in a soft tone, her eyes moist. Vincent knew she was thinking about all they had lost, and the promises he had made and hadn't been able to keep.
“It is if you will it to be; if you want something bad enough.” Vincent asserted with his head held high and his tone strong, he would make this up to her. She just need to give him the chance!
“What I want you can't give me.” Elizabeth said in almost a whisper in a sad tone as her tears dripped down her freckled cheek.
“ I'm trying, give some more time, help me!” Vincent demanded when he could see that he was weakening her resolve. Elizabeth had to see reason and do what he asked; it was the only way!
“He's gone and there's no power on earth that could make that reality go away.” Elizabeth said and then turned around and wiped her tears as she walked down the path towards the doors. Vincent wanted to go after he but he realized that Elizabeth had left the book on the shelf for him.
“I can! And I will!”Vincent yelled after her with determination; he would show her that he was right and then she wouldn't doubt him. Elizabeth would have to trust him again.
Vincent walked out and went to his car. The cemetery wasn't very far which Vincent was both grateful for and not at the same time. He would liked to have had a little while to think while driving. But all too soon he was in the open parking lot and walking out to he cemented path to the plots. He knew the way that he needed to go. Vincent had been here many times before. The afternoon was bright and warm for a day in early March; a day that Alex would have loved. Vincent thought on a day like this Alex would have wanted to go the park. Instead he was standing at his son's grave with the book in his hands. There were fresh flowers in his hands, a simple bouquet of while lilies. Today was not any ordinary day, this was his son's birthday, he would have been six. Vincent felt a lump in his throat form at that thought, Vincent would have started first grade this fall. So many missed opportunities for his little boy, it wasn't fair! That's why he had to come here and find a way to bring his boy back from the dead. The book said there was a way. The cost was different this time. Vincent could give up a hand, or an arm, even a leg. He could live without those limbs if it meant his Alex was alive.
“It's fitting, your birthday on such a lovely day.” Vincent began and then stopped his voice choking up and he couldn't quite get the rest of his thoughts together. He had the book in his hands; the old leather bound one that he had gotten back. He had almost forgotten that the book was even there when it suddenly opened to a page on it's own. There weren't any writing on the page and then suddenly before Vincent's eyes ink began to form words. It was in Latin and several words appeared in dark black ink.
“Go back to her...” the words read and then disappeared. Vincent blinked thinking it must have been some kind of mistake or his eyes playing tricks on him.
“ can let go of my hand now...I'll wait for you...” More words read on the page and now in shock and pure sadness Vincent closed the book and sobbed. When his son was alive all he had wanted was to save him, and now that Alex was gone he realized that he didn't get to really know him in the end. Vincent had been too busy trying to be the one with all the answers. And now, on a beautiful spring day, Vincent's little boy was being the grown up.

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