Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Mary's First Book Review

This week I thought I would kick off the start of a new school year by writing my first book review.
  I have read a lot of books, but have never considered writing a review.  I thought, why 
not, I love reading books, and I love writing. What would be the harm in doing both at the same time? Sound reasoning right? So, for now on I will try to write a book review a  month. It will be hard to keep this going but I will put for my best effort. So with out further ado, I shall begin.

Image result for the garden of letters by alyson richman

    The book I have decided to start with is "The Garden of Letters" by Alyson Richman. I had received the book as a gift, and since I hadn't known anything about the author I wasn't expecting much. However I was very pleasantly proven wrong. As I read the first few lines, I knew that I was in love with the author's use of language and style. The words felt to the eyes like silk does to the skin. I had to keep reading, and I'm glad I did. The plot and setting went hand in hand with the diverse and realistic characters.
   Elodie, a young woman cellist in Verona during World War II, uses her music as messenger for the resistance against the German invasion. Elodie comes alive as a character because her natural progression from reclusive musician who only cares about her family and music begins to see the dangers of the Nazis present to her beautiful home country, and her music. Slowly, Elodie begins to get involved with the resistance with some urging from her best friend. During her time as a messenger she begins to see the world differently, and grows as a person that lives along with her music, and not hiding within it. There is romance as well but it doesn't take over the plot but adds to it perfectly, which is a hard thing for any author to do. I found myself laughing as well as crying at  different points of the story as my soul was moved. A good story always makes me feel like an emotional mess.
    The plot is well paced, and the reader is never left feeling like they want to skim, the descriptions are relevant to the story, as well as gorgeous. There is a story within the story that is just as touching and well done. I would recommend this author and this book to anyone. The readers will find the perfect combination of history and beautiful writing in Alyson Richman's "The Garden of Letters". 
    Please comment with any books you would recommend for me to read and review. Suggestions on how to do a better review would be welcome since I am new to this kind of writing. Thank you for reading and God Bless.


  1. Well done. A good description of a book I would like to read ! I'll look forward to your further reviews as it is very good to hear of books i wouldn't otherwise know about. As for recommendations o you ? How about " Tarzan of the Apes " . It isn't the story people think it its.

    1. Thank you! Tarzan of the Apes sounds like a great book. I will add it to the list!

  2. I think it was a good review, it made me want to read the book, and thats what its all about;

  3. Gift books are always a shot in the dark, but this one sounds like a good read! You're right about the rarity of having romantic *sub*plot that doesn't take over a female character's actual plot. That's rather appealing.

    How about The Rook by Daniel O'Malley or the Glamorist series by Mary Robinette Kowal? Both are speculative fiction with female protagonists, but of widely differing genres.

    1. I will definitely check out The Rook and The Glamorist, they both sound like interesting reads. I am always on the look out for good female protagonist. I love just about all genres so feel free to suggest any and all that you think are well written!

  4. Well done, Mary! Next month you should participate in the Cephalopod Coffee House. It's a great exercise and a great chance to meet others!

    I'll have to check out this book as well.

    1. That sounds like fun. I will certainly check that out, I may ask you for the information on it on facebook! Thank you for reading!
